(06766) 255183, 251745
Financial Position of Keonjhar Central Cooperative Bank (For Last 3 years)

Rs. in Lakh

Sl.No. Particulars 31.03.2021 31.03.2022 31.03.2023
1 Share Capital
(i) Society 4271.62 4392.54 4540.08
(ii) Nominal Member 219.83 224.74 238.48
(iii) Govt. 504.70 1204.70 1454.70
Total 4996.15 5821.99 6233.26
2 Reserve 2371.08 2391.58 2934.60
3 Own Fund 7367.18 8213.57 9167.86
4 Deposits 58675.59 62969.07 65737.29
5 Borrowing 31293.66 31882.06 35794.75
6 Loans and Advances 51946.27 54463.86 57865.68
7 Demand
Principal 57202.08 62101.36 66421.84
Interest 5299.76 4909.06 6503.28
8 Collection
Principal 46556.62 52055.59 55551.78
Interest 4539.96 4075.45 4893.88
Percentage (Principal) 81.39% 83.82% 83.63%
Percentage (Interest) 85.66% 98.22% 75.25%
9 Investment 49986.37 53296.82 60520.15
10 Working Capital 108177.19 116125.62 127308.70
11 Cost of Management 950.60 841.85 911.10
12 % of Cost of Management 0.88% 0.72% 0.72%
13 Per Employees Business 1243.42 1682.98 1414.54
14 Per Branch Business 5693.53 6111.84 6700.46
15 % of N.P.A. 7.63% 6.79% 6.04%
16 Net Worth 6915.88 8061.81 8663.40
17 CRAR 12.11% 13.51% 15.54%
18 Profit 263.81 325.01 285.43
19 Audit Classification B+ B+ B+
20 CD Ratio 88.53% 86.49% 88.03%